Sunday, January 08, 2006

Back from Break and All's Well, er, better

Currently reading: Idea of the Holy by Rudolf Otto

I had a bit of a depressive episode at the end (that is, last couple months) of last semester. Man does not live on academic books alone, but that was what was constantly flooding my mind. Break was therefore much needed. My mom and Joy even teamed up to, um, entreat me to stop analyzing and reading for a couple days (read: they took my books and wouldn't let me sit and think for any length of time).

I had been struggling with what I should be doing in the future. Is it possible that there is a life outside of academia? I was incredulous when this was suggested, but I looked and found a whole new world (cue Aladdin music). I even took a couple days to entertain the notion of becoming a chef. Then I regained my senses (largely after getting advice from my uncle), and returned to the straight and narrow path of the books. Though after break, my goal is to spend more time living in the moment and enjoying what I'm doing now rather then trying to force every waking moment into a plan which most likely will be uprooted either by God or my own flighty interests.

Also, I have been signed up to become an undercover agent, complete with pseudonym. Of course, I could tell you more, but then I'd have to kill you.

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