Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Quote of the day:
"If it looks like an Evangelical duck and it quacks like an Evangelical duck, it may not be an Evangelical duck. The quacks may have different semantic content." - Dr. Vanhoozer, in a discussion of Van Til's take on Barth


Anonymous said...

Speaking of semantic that Evangelical in the German sense or the American sense? (Or does my question not make any sense? I may be revealing my ignorance.)

M. Anderson said...

The question makes perfect sense. I believe it's in the American sense, although we had also been talking in class about the overlap between Barth's conception of "evangelical" (as centered on the gospel and person of Jesus) and the American conception (whatever that may be), and how a couple American evangelicals have even said that Barth's conception could help to give American evangelicals some sense of identity.