Friday, January 11, 2008

The Terrifying Truth about Fax Machines

... is that they are evil. Or at least the one in the clubhouse office is. So, I had decided back in December to apply to Northwestern's Religious Studies program. The only problem is, the deadline was December 31st. So I hurriedly polished up a class paper, put together a statement of purpose, and faxed transcript requests.

So, this week I've been wondering where everything is. My application is in, and one professor has turned in a letter; to be fair, I didn't tell the other two professors that I needed letters ASAP instead of by January 15th (for my Notre Dame application), but I would like an answer from my emails or something so that I know they are getting through. I've also been in contact with records offices, trying to figure out what's happened to my requests, as evidently they haven't been getting through.

I think that I've discovered the reason now: after talking to the registrar at Taylor, and saying that I would try faxing it in again, she emailed me saying that she had received a blank page. The stupid fax machine makes you put the pages in backwards to send them. Maybe this isn't news to anyone else, but it's kinda frustrating to me that this piece of junk might have cost me an grad school opportunity and the $75 application fee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were a betting man (or, more specifically, if Taylor's LTC didn't prevent me from making some easy money), I would wager that the machine in question is an HP product, and that, rather than stating in plane English to put the dang paper in whatever way they require, they have some inscrutable symbol, which is allegedly representing a piece of paper with a dog-eared corner, that only the twice-borne initiated can decipher.